No one likes to be overlooked by neighbours or people walking their dogs when they’re relaxing in their backyard. The solution is to use plants to create your own garden retreat – so here are 10 fast growing plants for privacy in your backyard.
- Lilly Pilly: Growing up to five metres in height, the Lilly Pilly is a popular hedging plant that can be easily trimmed into any shape or height you need.
- Clumping Bamboo: Growing to 4 metres in height, Clumping Bamboo is quick to grow and easy to trim into shape.
- Bottlebrush: Flowering is summer and autumn, Bottlebrushes not only give you privacy but also encourage native birds into your garden.
- Climbing Roses: If you want summer privacy and colour, you can’t go wrong with a climbing rose, although they do drop their leaves in winter.
- Star Jasmine: For a beautiful perfume as well as privacy, check out Star Jasmine with its abundance of small, scented, white flowers during summer.
- Leighton Green: A popular, dense and fast growing conifer that can reach 15 metres and easily grow 3 metres in the first 18 months. Leighton Green is a great choice for our list of 10 fast growing plants for privacy in your backyard!
- Mock Orange: Growing up to 4 metres high, this dense bush has an abundance of orange blossom, scented flowers in spring and summer.
- Photinia Robusta: This small, evergreen bush grows up to 6 metres in height and its small white flowers and red fruits attract birds in springtime.
- Little Gem Magnolia: Growing to 4 metres in height, Little Gem has glossy dense leaves and fabulously large creamy-white flowers in spring and summer.
- Sweet Viburnum: Another good hedging option, this bush grows to 4 metres in height with clusters of white fragrant flowers and red berries in spring and summer.