With autumn already here, it’s time to think about how to prepare your garden for winter. Even though we don’t suffer through really cold winters (except out west), there’s still plenty to do around your garden. So here are three tips that should help keep your garden looking awesome during the winter months.

Check your fences

If your boundary fences are starting to look old or they are leaning over to one side, autumn is a good time to fix these problems. That’s because digging post holes in the hard winter soil can be troublesome, but during autumn the soil is still soft enough so that it can be completed quickly. Whether you need to replace a few palings, posts or railings, maybe even an entire section of fence, give us a call and we will be there ASAP.

Fertilise your lawn

Lawns go dormant during the colder winter months, so to make sure they are ready for their spring growth, autumn is the time to give them a boost with fertiliser. If the soil is compacted, however, you might need to aerate it as this helps both the fertiliser and water to penetrate the lawn’s roots. Also, start lifting the blades on your mower and cutting the lawn higher, as this helps to protect your lawn from early frosts, experienced frequently in western Sydney.

Plant winter flowers and veggies

Autumn is the time to plant your cabbages, broccoli, peas, kale, English spinach, broad beans, radishes, onions and shallots for a winter wonderland of veggies. You can also plant shrubs and small trees such as azaleas, camellias, citrus and natives in autumn. Then there’s the flowering annuals, for example, daisies, snapdragons, poppies, pansies and violas, marigolds, lupins and chrysanthemums. Not forgetting herbs, such as coriander, fennel, garlic, oregano, parsley and rosemary.

If you want to make sure your fences are in tip-top shape before winter, call RKG Fencing on 0425 048 476 or email us and ask for a free quote.

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