The pandemic has had many consequences, including too few workers to harvest crops and not enough employees to ensure supply chains. As a result, some people have turned to growing their own vegetables, but not everyone is a budding gardener. So to get you started with your own veggie patch at home.
Here’s our top 8 must-have herbs to grow at home.
A hardy herb to grow at home, parsley loves the sun, regular watering and a well-drained soil.
Our Tip: Only pick when the leaves are dark green and remove flowering stems to enhance leaf growth.
Even hardier than parsley, rosemary loves full sun and a sandy, free-draining soil. They require little fertilizer and minimal water.
Our Tip: Overwatering kills rosemary.
Loves the sun and a light, free-draining soil.
Our Tips: Water only when the soil becomes dry and remove flowers to encourage growth.
With a well-drained, moist soil and plenty of sunlight basil will just keep on giving!
Our Tips: Only water when the soil is dry, avoid watering the leaves and remove flowers to encourage growth.
Just about indestructible, mint loves partial shade, regular watering and a free-draining soil.
Our Tips: Water regularly, remove flowers to encourage leaf growth and keep the plant contained as mint is invasive.
Loves full sun, regular watering and a light, well-drained soil.
Our Tip: Avoid overwatering and harvest leaves regularly to encourage more leaf growth.
Loves full or part sun, well-drained soils and regular watering.
Our Tips: Harvest leaves regularly to encourage new growth.
Loves full sun, well-drained soil and regular watering.
Our Tips: Remove flowers to encourage growth and don’t plant next to carrots!
Our top 8 must-have herbs to grow at home help you start to live a sustainable lifestyle. So why not install a lovely picket fence around your herb garden?