Outdoor entertainment areas have become increasingly popular in Sydney, but not everyone has a purpose built space for entertaining in their garden. So if you’re looking for garden party ideas to transform your backyard into an entertainers delight, here’s our top three tips.

1. Mow the lawn

On the day of your garden party, mow and whipper snip the lawn, making sure to collect all the clippings to create a nice, flat surface. If there are any bald patches, you can sprinkle them with grass seeds a few weeks before your party, otherwise just ensure that the surface is smooth and suitable for foot traffic.

2. Tidy outdoor areas

If your backyard has become a repository for items that are waiting to go to the tip, then it’s time to make that trip! Also remove any items that should be somewhere else, for example put bikes in the garage or shed and generally tidy up the backyard. You can even jet blast the patio if it’s overdue for a good clean. However, if you only have time for one of our three garden party ideas to transform your backyard, then tidying your outdoor areas gives you the most bang for your buck!

3. Decorate with colourful flowers

Adding some colour to your backyard is a great idea for your party. The quickest strategy is to buy a range of bright, flowering plants from your local nursery and either put them in the ground or better yet, buy some potting mix and a few colourful pots. Whether in the ground or on the tables or patio, colourful flowers add a lovely ambiance to your garden party.

Just remember to include a few citronella candles for the mossies and you have the perfect recipe for a wonderful garden party.

If you need new fences installed before your garden party, call RKG Fencing for a free quote on 0425 048 476 or send us an email enquiry.

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