An automatic gate is one of those luxuries that is definitely worth the investment. No sooner is it installed, than you wonder how you ever managed without one!

If you want to increase the security of your home, provide a secure area for your kids or pets to play, and increase the value of your home, you can’t get any better than an automatic gate. Safety is always a priority however, and if you install an automatic gate, everyone just needs a little common sense around them.

5 – Automatic gate safety tips

Don’t stop or park in the gateway

Instead, drive slowly through the gate and down your driveway, only stopping when the rear of your vehicle (including anything you are towing) is clear of the gate.

Don’t tailgate others

Wait for the rear of their vehicle to pass through the gateway and leave enough room for your vehicle to pass through completely as well.


Don’t let your kids climb up and swing off the gates as they are opening and closing, as they can damage the gate and themselves! Always keep your pets away from the gates when they are opening or closing, so that they aren’t injured and can’t escape from your yard.

Opening & Closing

Only open and close your automatic gate when you can see it, as it could hit the kids, mailman, cars passing through or the dogs, if you aren’t careful.

Professional fencer

Only use a qualified professional to service and repair your gates, because they need to be kept in tip-top order to work correctly.

One of the best features you can add to your automatic gate is a safety sensor. This uses a photoelectric beam to identify if there is an obstruction within the gateway (the beam is broken if a car, vehicle, child, adult or animal is blocking the gateway) and if detected, the gate will stop opening or closing. When the obstruction has moved, the gate will continue opening or closing.

I hope you enjoyed our automatic gate safety tips and if you are looking for a customised automatic or sliding gate for your home feel free to contact us below.

Call us on 0425 048 476 or shoot us an email today.

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