Do you need to create an animal-proof fence for your veggie patch? If you live anywhere near native bushland then you’ll know all about protecting your veggie patch from wallabies, possums and even rabbits. These critters seem to munch their way through kilos of veggies every night, devastating veggie gardens in the blink of an eye.
Even your family dog can dig up your veggie patch in their enthusiasm to find a cool spot in summer or bury their bone for safekeeping. So the best way to protect your veggie garden is to install an animal-proof fence that keeps wildlife and the family pet on one side and your veggies safely on the other side.
Here are a few tips to create an animal-proof fence for your veggie garden.
1) Dig Deep:
Some critters will willingly dig underneath a fence to get at your delicious veggies. It’s easy enough for animals to wriggle underneath wire fences or scratch away dirt under timber fences to reach your veggies. So make sure you dig deep and bury wire or even a concrete sleeper at least 30 cm underground.
2) Go High:
By definition, wallabies like to hop, but you’ll find that a 1.8m fence will generally keep them out (this is what they use in the outback). This means that a small white picket fence isn’t going to be effective for keeping out wallabies, you’ll need to go more hard-core than that!
3) Add An Angle:
If you’re trying to deter possums from your veggie patch then you need to angle the top of the fence at 45 degrees because possums don’t like climbing upside down. This is also another way to deter wallabies.
4) Professional installation:
You don’t want to make any mistakes with the installation of your fence because you can lose your entire crop in just one night.