There are many ways to add value to your home, whether you have just moved in and have renovations on your mind or have lived there for years and need to make some repairs or updates. When it comes to fences however, a badly maintained fence can lower the value of your home, whilst a well maintained fence can add value to your home. Do timber fences add value to your home?

There are many different timber fence designs on the market, from standard palings to lapped and capped fences, spaced palings and even beautiful picket fences, all in either treated pine or hardwood. A quality timber fence not only increases the curb appeal of your home, but it also increases your privacy and security, as well as providing a functional boundary for dogs and children. All of which, adds value to your home.

1.Timber fences and curb appeal

We all know that curb appeal is the first step to selling your home, but it also helps when your home undergoes a valuation. If you choose a quality fence and match its design to the exterior design of your home, it’s quite likely that you will increase the value and saleability of your home.

2.Timber fences and privacy

A solid timber fence doesn’t only look good, but it also increases your privacy, particularly if you install a lapped fence that prevents the neighbours looking into your garden. No-one wants to be watched when they are in the pool or playing with the kids or dog in their yard, and a solid timber fence solves this problem.

3.Timber fences and home security

A solid timber fence around the front of your property can make it much more difficult for burglars to enter your home, and is a sensible idea that adds value to your home.

4.Timber fence, dogs and kids

Whilst you need the exterior of your property fenced, it’s also a good idea to fence the front, as this prevents your dogs or kids running out onto the road. So i guess when asking the question, Do timber fences add value to your home? I would say definitely yes.

If you want help deciding which type of timber fence is suitable for your property, call RKG Fencing on 0425 048 476 or send us an email.

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